I've crafted a type-driven design solution for communication materials tied to a conceptual organization, Open Arms. Their mission revolves around fostering awareness and imparting knowledge regarding the critical subject of mental health. My mission entailed crafting the overarching aesthetic for this awareness campaign, with the focus on delivering content that resonates with clarity and purpose. My goal is to create a visual style across all the required components that clearly demonstrate I have considered and established unique visual language.
By using three erasure poems, I convey the message: that the messages a person convey may be veiling underlying mental struggles, a fact we must remain attuned to. These erasure poems, each born from the remnants of existing text, serve as metaphors for the internal battles faced by individuals. The effect of the torn and distressed paper echoes the emotional turmoil experienced by the sender of the message. The handwritten font, stands as a testament to the deeply personal nature of these struggles, infusing each message with the raw essence of human emotions. Through this multifaceted design approach, I have sought to ignite a collective awareness and empathy towards the often concealed cries for help in the realm of mental health.

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