London International Creative Competition

Timeline: September - December 2022 (4 Months)
Discipline: UX/UI Design, App Design, Branding 
Role: UXUI Designer, Brand Designer, Design Researcher Tools: Figma, Prototype, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effect, FigJam 
The Entropy Column is a conceptual product designed to facilitate self-reflection and personal growth by testing the purity of one's soul. This spontaneous and anonymous test involves touching one's hand to the column, which then undergoes a sophisticated algorithm scan to determine the user's level of purity. Through this process, the Entropy Column encourages users to practice vulnerability and self-reflection, recognizing that correcting mistakes begins with acknowledging them. Even without exposing their sins to others, this product allows users to pour out those unknown sins. Without physical incarceration, everyone can correct their mistakes with dignity.
Problems and insights
As the population continues to grow, prisons must expand continuously to accommodate more criminals. In the future, assuming that people's souls can be divided like horcruxes in "Harry Potter", would it be a sustainable development trend to reasonably employ natural disasters to punish sinful souls? 
Campaign ideas
Resource from: The Use of Rationalization During an Interrogation Theme
Resource from: The Use of Rationalization During an Interrogation Theme
Resource from: The Moral Permissibility of Punishment
Resource from: The Moral Permissibility of Punishment
Part of the redemption plan provided by the Entropy Column includes confession, as acknowledging one's mistakes is crucial in breaking the cycle of repeated transgressions. While many societies have long emphasized the importance of virtuous behavior, following the law, and avoiding harm to others, such ideals are not always put into practice. People often make excuses for their mistakes and rationalize their actions and may not even realize when they have done something wrong. Without acknowledging and admitting to their mistakes, the cycle of transgression can continue unabated, leading to increasingly inappropriate rationalizations for sin.
"We're just prisoners here of our own device."——Lyrics from Hotel California
How might we achieve sustainable development for both humanity and nature by punishing sinful souls through the rational use of natural disasters?

User persona

User journey map


Lo-fi wireframes

Utilizing the results of a soul scan, individuals may commence their journey of self-exploration through the application, by procuring personalized redemption plans, which facilitate the expiation of their sins and facilitate personal growth. In addition, the application's articles section provides valuable insight into the significance of purifying one's soul.
The Solution
Design System
Entropy Column is a catalyst for personal transformation and a contemplative exploration of one's inner self. It challenges conventional notions of punishment and rehabilitation by offering an innovative and humane approach to acknowledging and rectifying one's transgressions. My vision is to contribute to a world where personal growth and redemption are accessible to all, fostering a society built on empathy, self-improvement, and sustainability.

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